All Posts Tagged With

google shopping

Data Feeds

Precision in Product Feeds with Validation Summary

Explore the benefits of the Validation Summary to prevent feed rejections and maximize efficiency, ensuring optimal performance and compliance with cleaner, more effective product listings.

Posted on 
Apr 19, 2024
Carlos Rodriguez
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How to Add UTM Tracking to Google Shopping Campaigns

How to Add UTM Tracking to Google Shopping Campaigns

Posted on 
Mar 12, 2024
Carlos Rodriguez
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How to Set Up Product Variations in Google Shopping

If you sell a product that varies by color, size, material, or other attributes, you can group these related products together by using product variations.

Posted on 
Mar 7, 2024
Carlos Rodriguez
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How Lists Are Reshaping the Landscape of Ecommerce Advertising

Traditional attribute management in ecommerce often involves rigid product data structures. GoDataFeed's Lists feature challenges this status quo. With Lists, you're not just managing product data; you're curating it. Keep reading to uncover the magic of our Lists for yourself.

Posted on 
Oct 13, 2023
Bryan Falla
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12 Best Practices for Promotions on Google Merchant Center

For most consumers, online shopping is a must these days. but more important than online shopping is online saving. Promotions on Google Merchant Center are a proven way to enhance any and all campaigns by improving conversions, dropping CPA, and encouraging repeat sales.

Posted on 
Mar 1, 2023
Sarah Bacchus
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How to Get "Free and Fast Shipping" Label on Google Shopping Product Listings

Free and fast shipping labels let you showcase products that can ship quickly and (preferably) free to give customers the best possible experience. If your delivery time is 5 days or less and you offer free shipping, your products may qualify.

Posted on 
Aug 31, 2022
Bryan Falla
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Google Shopping Updates - 2020

Google Shopping is always improving. We'll update this page with important 2020 changes.

Posted on 
Aug 5, 2020
Giovanni Miranda
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How to Launch Your Free Google Shopping Listings

Google has effectively redefined product marketing across its ecosystem. Here's what that looks like and what you need to know about getting your products onto Google.

Posted on 
May 1, 2020
Giovanni Miranda
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Free Exposure on Google Shopping

After eight years of Google Shopping being a paid product, Google is changing things up.

Posted on 
Apr 21, 2020
Bryan Falla
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How Google Decides Which Organic Product Listings to Show

Google makes product marketing feasible, but there seems to be some confusion around how and where product listings are surfaced. Let's clear that up!

Posted on 
Mar 17, 2020
Giovanni Miranda
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2020 Ecommerce Channel Mix [Infographic]

The ecommerce landscape has seen quite a bit of change over the past decade. These are the most viable platforms to consider for your omnichannel marketing strategy.

Posted on 
Feb 26, 2020
Giovanni Miranda
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How to Get Free Exposure On Surfaces Across Google

Google's newest free marketing program, Surfaces Across Google, is a win for both shoppers and merchants.

Posted on 
Feb 11, 2020
Lin Grosman
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Google Shopping Ads Are Coming to Gmail

This week Google notified advertisers that standard Google Shopping campaigns will soon be surfaced on Gmail. Let's go over what that means.

Posted on 
Feb 6, 2020
Giovanni Miranda
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Top Ecommerce Channels Tip Sheet (2019)

With the holiday season around the corner, there's plenty to be mindful of. Here's are some optimization tips for the top ecommerce channels of the year.

Posted on 
Oct 10, 2019
Giovanni Miranda
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What’s Happening to Google Express?

Is Google Express really going away? Technically, but not really. Let's discuss!

Posted on 
Sep 23, 2019
Giovanni Miranda
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What's New with the "New" Google Shopping

It’s finally here — the “new” Google Shopping! Merchants have a huge opportunity to profit from Google’s new Shopping experience. But what has actually changed?

Posted on 
Sep 20, 2019
Brooke Stanish
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Why Do Other Products Show Up for My Brand on Google Shopping?

Google tends to diversify search results as much as possible unless it’s close to 100% certain of the searcher’s intent. But there are ways to optimize for your brand. Here's how.

Posted on 
Sep 17, 2019
Bryan Falla
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Where Do My Google Ads Show Up?

Oftentimes, the distinction between ads can grow ambiguous, as does determining when and where your ads will show up. Let's clear that up.

Posted on 
Sep 10, 2019
Brooke Stanish
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Demystifying 5 Shopping Ad Myths

If you're not already using Google Shopping ads, what's holding you back? The PPC waters might be murky now, but we’re sure things will be clearer after we debunk these five Google Shopping/PPC ad myths.

Posted on 
Jul 24, 2019
Brooke Stanish
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How to Sell on Google Shopping

Getting started with Google Shopping can seem daunting even to seasoned digital marketers. But it doesn't have to be. Here's how.

Posted on 
Mar 18, 2019
Bryan Falla
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