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FBA vs. FBM: What Should I Choose?

The goal of just about every Amazon seller is to increase sales and earn profits. And to do that, sellers have to pay close attention to all aspects of their business when making decisions. One of these decisions has to do with fulfillment.

Posted on 
Sep 12, 2018
Nicole Santoro
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What is FBA?

Amazon sellers have a lot on their plate. They have to decide what products to sell, create the actual product listing and run their business outside of Amazon. Add shipping and fulfillment in there and it can get exhausting. That’s where Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) comes in. It’s the alternative option to Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) that can save sellers time to focus on other areas of their business.

Posted on 
Sep 10, 2018
Nicole Santoro
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