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Where Exponential Growth Meets Quantifiable Results



14 hrs

saved on avg per week


reduced channel CPC


increased channel revenue


CTR improvement


catalog visibility

Fully Integrated to Help You Sell

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“Our team optimizes shopping feeds at a granular level – using GoDataFeed – honing every data point that helps determine performance.”
“GoDataFeed's low cost solution provides a single point of integration to optimize, automate and track product feeds.”
“GoDataFeed makes it easy for merchants to market their products on comparison shopping engines and marketplaces.”
“We love GoDataFeed and use it all the time.  It is really simple to integrate GoDataFeed into your website.”
“A multi-pronged marketing endeavor probably seems daunting but it doesn’t have to be. Companies like GoDataFeed exist to help simplify the process.”
“Companies like GoDataFeed provide solutions for managing multiple data feeds. They also automatically upload your feed daily, or even more frequently.”
“Data feed tools automate the process and will undoubtedly save you some energy to tackle larger tasks at hand. Personally, I’ve had good experiences with GoDataFeed.”
“Look at more advanced data feed management tools like GoDataFeed [for] the heavy lifting to get your feed in the right format.”
“GoDataFeed is considered by many to be 'king of the castle' when it comes to data feed tools. It’s integrated with many CSEs in addition to Google Shopping.”